AJCU-AP Sustainability of Life Project

As a continuation of the JCAP Conference on Sustainability in 2016, the AJCU-AP Sustainability of Life Project was held at Sanata Dharma University from March 7, 2018 to March 9, 2018 in which the main concern is being environmentally friendly not only on campus, but also in society. Representatives from Sophia University (Japan), Ateneo de Manila (Philippines), Ateneo de Davao (Philippines), Xavier University (Philippines), Instituto São João de Brito (East Timor), Politeknik ATMI Surakarta (Indonesia), and Sanata Dharma University (Indonesia) participated in this project.

This meeting was moderated by Benny Hari Juliawan, SJ. The first day of the meeting was opened by an introduction by SDU Rector, Johanes Eka Priyatma, M.Sc., Ph.D., explaining the result of the previous JCAP Conference in 2016 which was based on several concerns, and how it is expected that this will be a collaborative project which will be able to impact a wider audience to promote sustainable lifestyles. Then, each university presented their environmental concerns which are happening on and off campus. There were numerous concerns faced by the different countries regarding the environment’s situations, which included rivers, dry land, wastes, natural disaster impacts, and so on.

What realizations are able to be done in order to fulfill the goals of this project were discussed on the second day. The participants were teamed up to focus on a targeted audience assigned for each team to discuss what are the appropriate actions to take. Finally, after the groups ideas were presented thoroughly about the programs, Ms. Carmela Marie M. Santos-Belisario from Ateneo de Davao University was appointed as a coordinator for this project. The last day was closed by sightseeing the city of Yogyakarta.

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