Growing a Green Campus

Growing a green campus is a new frontier for many Jesuit education institutions. From Healing A Broken World (HBW), the recommendations initially focus on Jesuit lifestyle and institutions, with the first recommendation as a good starting point that “Jesuit communities and apostolic works are invited to discern the management of our own institutions and to exchange and develop more ecologically sustainable lifestyles in our communities (HBW, Recommendation No 1).”

The Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific (JCAP) and the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities in Asia Pacific (AJCU-AP) resonate with this statement, and take the lead by implementing more integrated and sustained environmental management practices in Jesuit campuses. Also, the JCAP-Ecology and AJCU-AP identified the need for a training program for “campus managers” to sustain environmental campus management efforts with the hope of influencing others to do the same through levels of engagement and processes. <read full text>