Season's Greetings, Updates, and Call for Feedback on Regional Challenges

Letter from the AJCU-EAO Chair

14 December 2009

To All the Members of the AJCU EAO:

As the coming of the Messiah nears, we have been invited to rejoice!

We rejoice also in the blessings the Lord has given us in our shared participation in the intellectual apostolate or in the higher educational apostolate of the Society of Jesus in East Asia and Oceania! Thank you for all you do to make this apostolate fruitful and to enhance our collaboration in mission!

Even as Christmas and the New Year approach we continue to prepare for the International Conference for Jesuit Higher Educational with its theme, “Shaping the Future,” to be held in Mexico City from 22 to 24 of April, 2010.  <read full text>