Jesuit Conference for Asia Pacific Proposals for Action Arising from JCAP Consults, November 2009 [PDF]

Memo of the Secretary for Higher Education

October 29, 2009

To:      Presidents/Rectors of Jesuit Higher Education institutions
From    Paul Locatelli, S.J
Re:      Conference on Jesuit Higher Education /
Mexico April 22-24, 2010

This letter provides the latest information to presidents/rectors and colleagues regarding the international conference with Father Adolfo Nicolás at the Universidad Iberoamericana (UIA) in Mexico City.  The title of the conference is: “Networking Jesuit Higher Education for the Globalizing World.”  The aim is
shaping the future
for a more humane, just, sustainable globe.  The principal purpose is manifold:  to enhance Jesuit education for students and research by faculty; to strengthen distinctive identity and mission; to better serve society and  the Church; to collaborate among universities and with other Jesuit ministries, and to improve the global network of Jesuit higher education.  It is also a time for us to hear Father Nicolás speak about his vision for Jesuit higher education and the intellectual apostolate.

The proposed program is attached; please note it includes (1) a plenary session with Father Adolfo Nicolás, (2) a panel of six presidents/rectors reflecting on regional challenges, (3) a discussion of identity and mission, and presentations on (4) the Jesuit Commons and on (5) three frontier challenges, namely, (a) theology, science and culture; (b) markets, inequality and poverty, and (c) ecology and sustainability.  I urge that you invite a faculty member to accompany you who is engaged in one of the three frontier challenges.  <read full text>