Sogang Hosts Sophia as a Sports Competitor

Sogang University of Korea hosted the first International Sports competition with Sophia University of Japan from the 12th to 14th of November at the main campus of Sogang in Mapo-gu, Seoul, South Korea. SOFEX, a short word for Sogang-Sophia Festival of Exchange, includes matching games of soccer, tennis, baseball and basketball plus cheerleading performances from the performers of both schools. Sogang University has been in partnership with Sophia University since 1983, and both were established in the 20th century by the Jesuits. In addition, 2010 is meaningful for Sogang as they have just celebrated their 50th anniversary since its foundation as the one and only Jesuit College in South Korea. In this regard, Sogang planned this event as commemoration, and to leap globally, with another sister school among Jesuit Colleges abroad. <read full text>

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