International Conference on Jesuit Higher Education

Letter of the AJCU-EAO Chair

31 October 2009

To All the Members of the AJCU EAO:

Christ’s Peace!

As was announced during our General Assembly in Sydney, the International Committee on Jesuit Higher Education (ICJHE) of Fr. General, chaired by Fr. Paul Locatelli, met at the Jesuit Curia in Rome last October 16-18, 2009.  While the meeting included a discussion of the Intellectual Apostolate which had recently been entrusted to ICJHE by Father General, the main focus of the meeting was the forthcoming International Conference on Jesuit Higher Education (Conference) to be held in Mexico City, Mexico at the Universidad Iberoamericana (UIA) on April 22-24, 2010.

Please already block off these dates plus traveling time on your calendar.  You may already wish to be making travel arrangements for yourself and your companion.  <read full text>

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