AJCU-AP Service Learning Program 2016: “Serving the City, Serving the People”

Held in the Driyarkara Auditorium of Sanata Dharma University, the International Charity Concert 2016 was successfully conducted. This concert was one of the highlighted events that were part of the celebration of the 61th Dies Natalis of Sanata Dharma University. In conducting the concert, the participation of the audiences in watching the concert was also required. Fortunately, the enthusiasm of the audience was quite obvious, and was proven by the number watching the performance reaching almost six hundred people.

Held on November 19th, 2016, this International Charity Concert was a collaboration project between three universities; they were Sanata Dharma University, Elizabeth University of Music, and Indonesia Institute of Art. There were a number of performances in the concert. As the opening performance, Cantus Firmus, the students’ choir formed by and consisting of the students of Sanata Dharma University sung five songs and they successfully made the atmosphere of the International Charity Concert 2016. Then, after enjoying the choir performance, it was the time for the students from Elisabeth University of Music Japan to perform. The representatives of Elisabeth University of Music were piano major student Shiori Nakashima, vocal major student De Guzman Cipriano Jr. Mercado, and marimba major student Maho Ishida. In total, they performed ten songs. Lastly, as the closing performance, the students’ symphony of the Indonesia Institute of Art Yogyakarta, the Studsy Band conducted by Budhi Ngurah played five instrumental songs.

This International Charity Concert was aimed to help the students who have financial limitation to support their study in Sanata Dharma University. It was managed by Lembaga Kesejahteraan Mahasiswa or Student Welfare Unit. The host of this International Charity Concert, Sanata Dharma University, also hopes that the first charity concert will provide valuable experiences for each of us to better develop a similar program that may attract more people and agencies to collaborate with Sanata Dharma University. (Titis)