Post-project SLP 2014: “I Am a Smart Smoker”

SLP (Service Learning Program) 2014 held a discussion bringing up a theme I am a Smart Smoker on October 31st 2014. It is a part of SLP’s post-project which comes from a strong concern toward many active smokers in Sanata Dharma University who smoke at the inappropriate place. The purpose of this discussion is to know aspirations from the active smokers and passive smoker about the smoking area at campus. There were some parties took part in the discussion who are the Vice Rector IV SDU, lecturers and the students of SDU who are active and passive smokers.

Form the discussion, it could be concluded that the awareness of the active smokers in smoking in the appropriate place and in putting the waste in the ashtray is highly needed. Also, the habit on admonishing either from the active or passive smokers is also required. Besides, some lecturers and students don’t have enough information yet about the smoking area in SDU. Thus, socialization about the smoking area and the improvement of it are two urgent agendas. The discussion aims to encourage the academics of SDU to be the agents of change in maintaining the cleanliness of campus environment especially related to the waste of cigarettes.

The result of the discussion will be brought as a recommendation to the Rector of SDU in order to improve the quality of the smoking area and the cleanliness of the campus. The post-project of SLP will be still going on in the November 2014 with the agendas of providing some ashtrays, map, and smoking area directory. The first wave of the further project will be held on November 15th 2014 at the cafeteria ofCampus III Paingan at 9.00am and at Taman Jamur Campus I Mrican at 9.00am. Following the projects, campaign and socialization in increasing the awareness of each individual to maintain the cleanliness of the campus will be held in Paingan on November 17th – 21st in Paingan and November 24th – 28th in Mrican. As campus is the symbol of SDU, it is important to make the clean and comfortable campus for the active and passive smokers. “Let’s be a smart smoker!” (Rewritten and Translated by LLY from “Post-project SLP 2014: Berdinamika bersama dalam diskusi “I Am a Smart Smoker”” by (BA)).