Article I – Title

Section 1

The formal title of the association is: Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities – Asia Pacific (AJCU-AP).

Article II – Nature, Purpose and Objectives

Section 1

The AJCU-AP is a voluntary association of Jesuit higher educational institutions (HEIs) and Jesuit higher educational endeavors (HEEs) functioning within the territory the Jesuit Conference for Asia Pacific (JCAP); it supports and promotes Jesuit higher education in this region. It provides the structure for the higher educational apostolate of the JCAP. It is organized to promote friendship in service and leadership, to share discernment in mission, to facilitate cooperation and service, to develop the appropriate “Jesuit” brand of higher education, to engage in strategic planning, projects and programs for the higher educational apostolate in southeast Asia and Oceania, and so in higher education to propagate the faith, promote justice, appreciate culture, and engage in inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue. It is a forum for the ongoing exchange of experience, information and expertise among members. It networks both among Jesuit HEIs and HEEs and beyond, serving as liaison with the Jesuit General, the Jesuit Educational Secretariat, the Provincials, and other associations of Jesuit and non-Jesuit higher education.

Article III – Board and Executive Officers

Section 1

Board of Directors:
All chief executive officers (CEOs) of the member Jesuit HEIs and HEEs and the JCEAO Representative are members ex officio of the Board.

Section 2

Chair of the Board: He is a CEO elected by the members of the Board for a term of three years..

Section 3

JCEAO Representative:  The President of the JCEAO, or his appointed delegate, is an ex officio member of the Board.

Section 4

Vice Chair.  He is elected by the Board for a term of three years.

Section 5

Treasurer: Nominated by the CEO and approved by the Board and serves for the duration of the period of the CEO.   .

Section 6

AJCU-AP Secretariat: Organized and supervised by the CEO for the duration of the latter’s term.

Article IV – Membership

Members are Jesuit Higher Educational Institutions (e.g. Sanata Dharma University) or Jesuit Higher Educational Endeavors (e.g. the Jesuit apostolate in FuJen University)  in Southeast Asia and Oceania that are recognized by the Society or Jesus as “Jesuit.”  There are Charter Members and Regular Members.

Section 1

Charter members are the founding members of the AJCU-AP, namely:

  • Ateneo de Davao University
  • Ateneo de Manila University
  • Ateneo de Naga University
  • Ateneo de Zamboanga University
  • Elisabeth University of Music
  • Jesuit Apostolate at Fu Jen University
  • Sanata Dharma University
  • Sogang University
  • Sophia University
  • The Beijing Center
  • Xavier University

Among the charter members is the Representative of the JCAP.

Section 2

Regular Members:
The regular members are Jesuit HEIs and HEEs  in Southeast Asia and Oceania that are recognized by the Society of Jesus as “Jesuit” and approved as AJCU-AP members by the Board.

Section 3

Withdrawal of Membership:
Members may withdraw their membership by informing the Chair of the Board through the CEO.

Article V – Finances

Section 1

Annual membership dues from charter and regular members cover recurring operational and capital expenses of the Association approved by the Board.  These are collected during the annual AJCU-AP meeting.

Section 2.

Special Funds
Special Funds are collected to cover expenses for special projects.

Section 3

The annual Budget contains operational and capital expenses and funds for special projects.  It is approved by the Board.

Section 4

Expenses for Members’ Participation at Meetings
Members provide for their delegate’s (or delegates’) expenses at meetings (transportation, food, lodging, conference fees, etc.).

Article VI – Committees

Committees may be organized by the Board or by the CEO.

Article VII – Amendments to the Constitution

Section 1

Any member may propose to the Board in writing amendments to this Constitution during a meeting of the Board.  Approval requires a two-thirds majority vote of the entire Board.

Section 2

The Board shall approve Bylaws for the Association.

Section 3

Any member may propose to the Board in writing amendments to the Bylaws at a regular meeting of the Board.  Approval requires a majority vote of the entire Board membership

Article VIII – Dissolution

Dissolution of the AJCU-AP is effected by a unanimous vote of the Board.

Article IX – Effectivity

This constitution shall take effect on the date of its unanimous approval by the charter members.
This Constitution of the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities – East Asia and Oceania was adopted by unanimous vote of the charter members meeting in Eagle Bay, Southwestern Australia on August 6, 2002. After the regular meeting in Seoul, Korea on August 22-23,2006, they were amended by referendum in September 12, 2006 by unanimous vote of all principals.
Bylaws of AJCU-AP
Approved on August 6, 2002
Eagle Bay, Southwestern Australia

Article I – Officers and Functions

Section 1

The Board of Directors
The Board of Directors (Board) is the highest policy-making body of the Association. It

  • approves policies and programs consistent with the purpose and objectives of the Association (Const., Art II)
  • meets at least once annually, normally during the annual AJCU-AP meetings
  • appoints the Chair (CEO) of the Association.
  • admits regular members to the Association
  • approves special projects of the Association and related special funds or fundraising projects
  • approves the annual budget
  • approves the regular Annual AJCU-AP Meeting, its theme(s) and resource speakers,
  • approves special meetings of the Association
  • organizes Board committees

The members of the Board ex officio are the CEO’s of the charter and regular members of the AJCU-AP. In cases where highest executive authority is shared, the HEI or HEE shall, in consultation with the CEO of AJCU-AP, determine one representative to serve on the Board of AJCU-AP.
Board members may not be represented in meetings of the Board by proxy.
Quorum is the majority of the members of the Board.
Only members of the Board vote.
Resolutions of the Board are carried by simple majority, except in case of amendment of the AJCU-AP Constitution which requires two-thirds vote of all members.
When necessary, resolutions of the Board may be passed through referendum (a vote outside of a formal Board meeting through individual query of those qualified to vote) by a majority vote of the members of the Board, or by two-thirds of the members of the Board for constitutional amendments.  The reply is either affirmative or negative (abstentions or failure to reply are equivalently negative).   A referendum may be carried out by letter, email, fax, or any similar recordable medium.  SMS votes must be documented subsequently by written votes.

Section 2

Chairman of the Board

  • The Chair of the Board (Chair) is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Association. The Chair:
    • works to achieve the purpose and objectives of the Association (Article II).
    • represents/speaks for the Association ad extra, consistent with the approved policies and programs of the Board.  This includes active collaboration with the JCEAO Secretary for Higher Education, and the establishment and maintenance of contact with other educational, religious or governmental agencies or associations.
    • convenes and presides over annual and special meetings of the Board.
    • prepares its agenda after due consultation of the members.
    • reports on the activities and concerns of the Association to the Board.
  • The Chair organizes the AJCU-Secretariat.  He or she empowers a secretariat, normally from within his HEI or HEE, to facilitate communication among AJCU-AP members, organize its regular and special meetings, facilitate interaction among participants, record proceedings, service the official website of the Association, and keep the official documents and records of the Association.
  • The Chair nominates the Treasurer for approval by the Board.
  • The term of the Chair is three years.  This may be extended by  the Board.

Section 3

JCEAO Representative works with the CEO in pursuing the purposes and objectives of the Association (Article II).  He promotes a fruitful apostolic relationship between the AJCU-AP and the JCEAO, the Jesuit Secretary for Higher Education in Rome, key formators and formation houses within the JCEAO ..

Section 4.

Vice Chair.  He or she assists the Chair and the JCEAO Representative.  He succeeds the Chair as CEO in case he or she is impeded or unable to fulfill his/her duties.

Section 5

The AJCU-AP Secretariat

  • is wherever the CEO determines it can best function under his direction;
  • may be headed by an Executive Secretary at the discretion of the CEO;
  • keeps the records of the Association;
  • facilitates communication between members;
  • oversees and updates the webpage;
  • prepares for/documents meetings of the AJCU-AP under the direction of the CEO;
  • submits requests for reimbursement of approved expenses to the Treasurer.
  • serves coterminous with the CEO.

Section 6


  • The Treasurer:
  • prepares the annual budget for regular operations and approved special projects of the Association;
  • collects annual dues and special funds,
  • disburses money as budgeted;
  • advises the CEO or Board on the financial status of the Association;
  • accounts for the properties and funds of the Association as may be required by the Society of Jesus or by civil law.
  • He works to improve the financial status of the Association.
  • The fiscal year begins on June 1 and ends on May 31.

Article II – Meetings

Section 1

The AJCU-AP shall regularly meet once each year.

Section 2

The annual AJCU-AP meeting will ordinarily take the form of a conference or workshop. The theme, resource speakers, and venue are discussed by the members during annual association meetings of previous years.

  • The theme, resource speakers and venue for the Annual Meeting shall be determined by the Board
  • Participants at the Annual Meeting shall be the members of the Board and those whom they register  from their respective HEIs or HEEs

Section 3

The Board shall meet at least once annually, normally during the annual AJCU-AP meeting.

Section 4

The Board may convene special meetings of the Association, or any part thereof, in order to attain the goals of the Association.

Section 5

The Chair of the Board may call special meetings of the Board.

Article III – Committees

Section 1

Committees of the Board of Directors

  • The Board may organize Board Committees:
  • to assist the Board in its policy-making function
  • to perform standing functions/services of the Association
  • The Board articulates the mandate of the Board Committees, determines policy on members, governance, terms of membership/office, and, at its discretion, appoints members and officers, replaces them, or dissolves the committees, provided appointments in cases of Jesuits are consistent with the mandates of their superiors.
  • The chair of each Board Committee reports to the Board on its activities.  Copies of the report and minutes of meetings of Board Committees shall be provided the Executive Secretary, provided subject of the report is not the Executive Secretary.

Section 2

Committees of the CEO

  • The CEO may organize Executive Committees
  • to execute the directives/mandates of the Board
  • to assist the CEO in carrying out his/her functions
  • to assist the CEO in carrying out his/her functions
  • The CEO articulates the mandate of the Executive Committees, determines policy on members, governance, terms of membership/office, and, at his/her discretion, appoints members and officers, replaces them, or dissolve the committees, provided appointments in cases of Jesuits are consistent with the mandates of their superiors.
  • The chair of each Executive Committee reports to the CEO on its activities.  Copies of the reports and minutes of meetings of Executive Committees shall be submitted to the Executive Secretary

Article IV – Dissolution

In case of the dissolution of the AJCU-AP accrued assets shall be distributed to member institutions following a formula to be determined by the Board.
These Bylaws of the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities – East Asia and Oceania were adopted by unanimous vote of the charter members meeting in Eagle Bay, Southwestern Australia on August 6, 2002.
After the regular meeting in Seoul, Korea on August 22-23,2006, they were amended by referendum in September 12, 2006 by unanimous vote of all principals.